In Battle for Azeroth, Worldquest was added as endgame content. Once your character has reached level 120, you can unlock Worldquest. To be able to unlock this quest, you will need to earn the "Friendly" reputation with all factions. To unlock, you must accept the Alliance quest "The Unification of Kul Tiras" and the Horde quest "The Unification of Zandalar".
To gain reputation, we must complete the quest series:
- Proudmoore Admiralty
- Storm's Wake
- Order of Embers
- Voldunai
- Zandalari Empire
- Talanji's Expedition
Worldquests also have different types and the more difficult the quest, the higher the reward. The different types are:
- Normal Worldquest
- Elite Worldquest
- Group Worldquest
- Dungeon Worldquest
- Raid Worldquest
We complete all the quests for you and we also complete the achievement for you:
- 50 Worldquests completed
- 200 Worldquests completed
- 500 Worldquests completed
- 1000 Worldquest completed
Our Boosting Team enables you to complete these achievement as fast as possible.